The Rock Casserole is a radio show hosted by Jeff Dbury and his wife Lizzie (Mother Metal) The first Rock Casserole show aired on August 14th 2016, and has since grown to be one of the most popular internet radio shows on the web.
Playing a variety of different styles of music, rock, hard rock, classic rock, progressive rock, rockin' blues, fusion, heavy metal, classic and new, extreme metal.
The Rock Casserole also focuses on the indie community, playing only the best independent rock and metal artists on the planet. Mixing them in with the best mainstream and signed artists.
Live interviews with both indie artists and mainstream artists, a variety of different segments such as "Listeners Choice Guest DJ", where listeners and even musical artists call into the show and choose a block of songs from some of their favorite bands and artists to be played on the show.
Other segments include "Mother Metal's Around The World In 30" Where Co Host Mother Metal focuses on introducing the world to some of the best extreme heavy metal bands from all corners of the globe. for 30 minutes.
Although the primary focus of The Rock Casserole has always been entertaining the listeners! Joined by their Casserole Crew Casserollers every Sunday in The Digital Revolution Radio chat room, The Rock Casserole has become one of the most fun and entertaining internet radio shows on the web today!
You can hear The Rock Casserole every Sunday from 12 Noon - 5PM Eastern Time, Live on Digital Revolution Radio.